
An uneven bite, also known as malocclusion, occurs when the teeth do not align properly. It might seem like a minor issue, but it can have negative ramifications on your oral health and overall well-being. At Banasiak & Nettune, board-certified orthodontist Kenneth Banasiak, DMD can diagnose and treat uneven bites. He understands the impact of these misalignments, not just on the aesthetics of a smile but also on bite functionality. Dr. Banasiak notes that consequences of an uneven bite may include:  Tooth wear and damage – When your teeth are misaligned, they do not distribute the force of your bite evenly. This can lead to excessive wear on certain teeth, making them more susceptible to damage. Over time, this uneven […]

For many adults and children, trouble breathing can be caused by orthodontic concerns and lead to additional health issues such as sleep apnea. Oftentimes, that manifests as snoring, waking up out of breath, extreme fatigue and drowsiness, and other very serious—possibly even life-threatening—symptoms. Some individuals may benefit from orthodontic treatments that can help improve not only the function of their bite and their smile aesthetics, but also their overall well-being.  Airway orthodontics goes beyond just correcting orthodontic issues such as crowding, gaps, and misalignment. The treatment is designed to address health problems that affect your breathing and sleeping with advanced orthodontic techniques and appliances. For many individuals, orthodontic options such as traditional metal braces and palate expanders can help reduce […]

While it is virtually never too early or too late to have an orthodontic evaluation, it is typically recommended that children have their first orthodontic exam by the time they are six or seven years-old. Around this age, the first molars begin to show, which enables our experienced orthodontist, Kenneth Banasiak, DMD, to determine whether your child is currently showing signs of orthodontic problems, or if there is a significant potential for orthodontic problems to develop. Crooked teeth, crowded teeth, and a misaligned bite are often much easier to correct at early stages of development. If it looks like treatment may be necessary, our practice offers some of the most advanced forms of braces for kids, as well as other […]

Dr. Kenneth Banasiak highlights the numerous ways self-ligating braces can benefit patients.

Dr. Kenneth Banasiak, an orthodontist in New Jersey, explains how self-ligating braces can be more beneficial than traditional braces and why he offers this innovative treatment. Basking Ridge, NJ – Patients concerned with crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, or bite issues may assume that traditional metal braces are the only solution for their needs. Thanks to the advancements in orthodontic techniques and technology, self-ligating braces have become another state-of-the-art option for people who are unhappy with the appearance of their smile. New Jersey orthodontist Kenneth Banasiak, DMD offers self-ligating braces to his patients and explains the many advantages of the self-ligating system. No elastic bands or metal ties required. Traditional braces often use elastic bands or metal ties to secure the […]

Little girl smiling and holding teeth model at dentist's office

Thumb-sucking is a natural and common occurrence among babies and young children. It is often viewed as a phase that most kids go through. Understandably, some parents may wonder if this habit will have a negative impact on their child’s teeth later on in life. Thumb-sucking is typically harmless up to the age of five; however, kids who continue to suck their thumbs past that age are more at risk of developing orthodontic issues. Children with a more aggressive habit are more likely to need braces or other types of orthodontic solutions in the future to improve the condition of their teeth and mouth. While thumb-sucking among children usually stops at a certain age, the action of prolonged sucking of […]


Misaligned or “crooked” teeth are a relatively common occurrence, and they can pose both functional and aesthetic concerns for patients. Sometimes, teeth come in crooked due to innate physical or hereditary causes. Other times, they become crooked later on as a result of other factors. Regardless of the cause, many symptoms of tooth and jaw misalignment remain the same, including difficulty with chewing, speaking, and maintaining optimal oral health. Some people also experience increased jaw and facial muscle strain due to involuntary bite overcorrection. When it comes to hereditary factors, some people’s mouths are simply too small to accommodate all of their teeth as they emerge. In these cases, the teeth often become crooked or twist into abnormal formations as […]