Braces at Banasiak & Nettune Orthodontic Associates are more fun than ever! With the Brace Painter, parents and children are able to “paint their braces,” and visualize how teeth will look with different colors of bands. Would you like to try out pink and purple bands this February, without the commitment of an all-out Valentine’s Day look? The Brace Painter allows for you to select different colors, and then assign those colors of bands to certain teeth. Now, you can visualize your braces before you even come in for your appointment! As always, please let Drs. Roger Nettune or Kenneth Banasiak know if you have any questions about the Brace Painter, or your orthodontic treatment at Banasiak & Nettune Orthodontic […]
Should you need to call Banasiak & Nettune Orthodontic Associates in case you sustain any damage to your braces, we can help you more effectively if you can tell us exactly which piece is in trouble! Here’s a handy diagram and corresponding list of all the parts that make up your braces. Elastic Tie: Tiny rubber band that fits around the bracket to hold the archwire in place. Archwire: The main wire that acts as a track to guide the teeth along. It’s changed periodically throughout treatment, as teeth move to their new positions. Loop in Archwire: Frequently used for closing space left by an extraction. Many archwires don’t have a loop. Bracket: Small attachment that holds the archwire in […]
You just got braces at Banasiak & Nettune Orthodontics Associates and the orthodontist has informed you that over the next several months you will want to avoid eating anything sticky, hard, crunchy, or chewy. What does this leave for you to eat? Lettuce? Nothing? We found some great recipes in the book, “The Braces Cookbook: Recipes you (and your Orthodontist) will Love,” which gives patients a variety of delicious recipes, that are safe to eat with braces. Here is a recipe from the book that is sure to keep you satisfied this Winter Season. Wonderful Waffles Preheat your waffle iron according to the directions. You may want to lightly spray it with vegetable oil before heating. • 3 cups flour […]
Braces aren’t just for pre-adolescents and teenagers anymore! Dr. Nettune and Dr. Banasiak will tell you that anyone, at any age, can benefit from orthodontic treatment, whether it’s correcting a problem not treated in your younger years, or catching a problem early. To ensure the best overall treatment, the American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO, recommends that children receive an orthodontic consultation as early as age seven. If a problem is evident, taking action early can spare a lot of treatment and expense down the road. If you never received orthodontic treatment when you were young, don’t worry! You’re never too old for a beautiful smile. Schedule an appointment with Banasiak & Nettune Orthodontic Associates for a consultation and find […]
Our team know how tempting this time of the year can be on our sweet tooth. With all of the caramel, candy corn, and lollipops that are often passed around to trick-or-treaters, we realize that it can sometimes be hard to find hard, chewy, sticky, and crunchy candy alternatives. However, there is good news! Today, we would like to share a great braces-friendly Halloween recipe with all of our patients, courtesy of the American Association of Orthodontics, or AAO, and “The Braces Cookbook” by Pamela Waterman. This Spider Bites recipe is delicious, and provided that you remember to brush and floss after indulging, this is a cookie that won’t bite back! Spider Bites Ingredients: • 1 cup shortening• 1 cup […]
Did you know that back in 2002, Tom Cruise had braces? During this time, he was 40 years old and filmed Minority Report, Austin Powers in Goldmember and the Last Samurai. Check out his smile in Jerry Maguire, Rain Man or The Firm and compare to the post-braces Tom Cruise in Valkyrie or Tropic Thunder. The fact is, movie stars need to look their best for the silver screen, and it wouldn’t be possible without orthodontists like Drs. Banasiak & Nettune! In fact, lots of Hollywood stars have had orthodontic treatment. If you’ve thought about getting the perfect smile you’ve always wanted, please give us a call!